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Population tables and report. Scotland. [Vol. II], 1861

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-viii) Title page and content
(54 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page ix) Importance of the age, conjugal condition and occupation abstracts
(Page ix) Abstracts alone applicable to registration counties and divisions
(Page ix) Groups of districts into which Scotland is divided
(Pages x-xx)Expand subtree Ages of the people
(Pages xxi-xxviii)Expand subtree Conjugal condition of the people
(Pages xxviii-xxxvi)Expand subtree Husbands and wives
(Pages xxxvi-xxxviii)Expand subtree Widowers and widows
(Pages xxxviii-xl)Expand subtree Bachelors and spinsters
(Pages xl-lv)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages lv-lvi)Expand subtree The blind
(Pages lvi-lvii)Expand subtree The deaf and dumb
(Pages lvii-lviii)Expand subtree The insane
(Pages lviii-lix)Expand subtree Paupers
(Page lix)Expand subtree Prisoners in jails
(Pages lix-lx)Expand subtree Birth-places of the people
(Pages lxi-lxii) Conclusion
(12 pages)Contract subtree Tables appended to the report
(Page lxiv) Table I. Population of Scotland in its registration counties, with the number of families, houses, and rooms with windows
(Page lxv) Table II. Constitution of the groups of registration districts
(Page lxvi) Table III. Ages of the males in Scotland, and in its several counties, and six principal towns at five periods of life, and their proportion to the total males in each county and town
(Page lxvii) Table IV. Ages of the females in Scotland, and in its several counties, and six principal towns at five periods of life, and their proportion to total females in each county and town
(Pages lxviii-lxix) Table V. Occupations of the people in Scotland; the proportion per cent, in which the males, females, and both sexes engage in the different classes, orders, and sub-orders of occupations
(Page lxx) Table VI. Occupations; proportion per cent, of males and of females, following each class of occupations in the several groups of districts, registration counties, and towns, as compared with the totals following that class of occupations in all Scotland
(Page lxxi) Table VII. Occupations; proportion per cent, of males and of females following each class of occupations in the several groups of districts, registration counties, and towns, as compared with the total males and females in each county or town
(Page lxxii) Table VIII. Age, with the condition of persons in Scotland whose ages were 100 years and upwards
(Page lxxiii) Table IX. Birth-places of the people; proportion per cent, of persons in each of the divisions and counties of Scotland born in Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, Channel Islands, and British colonies; also of British subjects born abroad or at sea; and of the natives of foreign countries
(338 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts: Ages of the people
(Page 1, Pages 1-58)Expand subtree Ages of the males and females in
(Pages 59-75)Expand subtree Conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 76-327)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 329-330, 4 foldouts, Pages 333-334)Expand subtree Birth-places of the people, etc
(Pages 335-352) General index to counties, parishes, registration districts, towns, villages, Islands, &c
(Pages 353-356) Index to occupations
(1 errata) Errata